Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend has, surprisingly, been more relaxed than most weekends with toddlers are!  I’m sure much of that is because Jason’s parents were here on Saturday and Sunday.  We had a cookout on Sunday night and Nannie came too.






This morning we went to a pool we like.  It’s a public pool.  I would love to join a private pool at some point, but for the cost, it wouldn’t really be worth it to us right now.  I can’t imagine taking the kids to a pool by myself with the ages they are now, so we will only be going when I have an extra pair of adult hands!  But I’m hoping to go to this or another public pool once a week in the summer.

It was busy, and Jason and I were busy with the kids, so I only got a couple pictures.  Snack time for Meredith!


A view of the pool – Jason and Russell are in this picture somewhere, but I couldn’t get a closer shot and keep an eye on Meredith with her snack!


Most importantly, thank you to our dedicated military and veterans for all you do!  Happy Memorial Day!

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