Saturday, December 11, 2010

Professional Christmas Photos

As a photographer, I completely understand the value of family photos! And while I LOVE taking photos of my family, I do think it's important to actually be in some, also. So I asked my friend and fellow photographer Becca to do a photo shoot for us. There were some really cute ones - and a couple that I used on our Christmas cards this year.

Baby belly:


Mommy and Russell:


The family photos:

Silly boy!


My two absolute favorites are below:



These were our first professional photos since Russell's newborn photo session. I'm so thankful we got to capture him - and our family - just as it is right now, even if that's wiggly, squirmy, and only bribed to stay still with Cheerios :)


  1. Awww, these look great! Wanted to say thank again for our photos. Some of them are making into Christmas presents this year! We'll have to do this again some time!

  2. love the last pic. Very cute! Where were you guys?
