Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Baby Girl Update

This and that about our little girl:

Thanks to our sweet and generous friends Gary and Rebecca, we have gotten lots of hand-me-downs for baby girl that are in great shape! These are a few of her 0-3 month clothes - pink everywhere!:


I had a follow-up ultrasound today to see the one part that they missed at the anatomy ultrasound: her nose. Apparently it's important to see the bones in the nose because few bones means high risk for Downs syndrome. Once again, this child did not want to cooperate. After trying for at least 20 minutes to get her to move, the ultrasound tech had me go out in the lobby and sit for a little while and drink a Coke. That got her moving like a wild woman! :) So we did finally see the nose and it looks perfect.

Here's one of the photos from the ultrasound:


Also: she has a name! But - I know this is a huge tease - I'm not sharing it online yet. We are sharing it in person, however. The reason for this is because sometimes, I feel like you don't even have to talk to your friends anymore, because you've seen everything there is to know about them on Facebook or their blog or by email or whatever. So I want to tell a bunch of people in person first before I put it online. It just feels more special to me that way. I know, I'm weird :)

This little one is definitely feeling more real now. I can't wait until we get her room all set up - but we've got some major cleaning/furniture moving to do before that!


  1. Can't wait to hear the name! David and I are still undecided!

  2. I love that you want to tell people in person first! My bestest friends and I make sure we send each other a personalized text or email for all big news first before it becomes a FB status or a blog update. :-) Hope you are doing well in Greensboro! Maybe after the holidays we can schedule up that playdate.
