Monday, August 23, 2010

Movin' On Up?

Month after frustrating month of having our condo on the market, and we've had zero offers. So we decided to take the rental plunge.

Well, it's now been 2 days since we put it up for rent and we've had 10 phone calls and several of those are promising prospective renters! Thank you, Lord! We are really hoping to have this place rented out quickly, and to a responsible tenant.

Which begs the question: where are we going to go? Well, we're looking into several places. If we rent out our condo before we find a place, we are blessed enough to have family around here that we can stay with for a while.

Oh, and in the midst of repairing things around our condo, scheduling showings, and looking for our own place, we have a consultation with an ENT on Wednesday to talk about tubes for Russell (as he is now on ear infection #5). We are busy, busy bees.

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