Paige is 9 months old! Wow!
- Height: 27 in (38th percentile – that’s what they measured but I don’t think it’s accurate)
- Weight: 18 lbs 11 oz (47th percentile)
- Head: 42 cm (5th percentile – I don’t think that’s right either!)
- Wearing 12 month clothes
- Wearing size 3 diapers (until we run out- I think she’s ready for 4s
Paige is nursing 5x/day (still including 1 nighttime feeding). She eats 1-2 jars of baby food for breakfast, 1 for lunch, and 1-2 for dinner, along with finger foods, which she likes! Her very favorite finger food is peas. She also likes strawberries, green beans, and lima beans, but will not eat carrots.
At her 9 month appointment, they checked her iron level. It was supposed to be 11 and was measured at 8.5. So we are supposed to give her iron-rich foods twice a day and an iron supplement. I made a baby food puree of clams and potatoes – which is actually really good (Paige and I think!) and has a very high iron concentration – and another of lentils and sweet potato. We’ll try new ones next week!
Sleeping and napping are the same (which is great!)
New things this month: Paige loves to clap! Last week she was clapping and saying “yay!” I am counting it as her fist word. She is also pulling up!
She is still army crawling. I think that will be her preferred method of movement for at least another month. It’s hard for her to get up on her knees on all of our hardwoods, and she gives up quickly because she know she can army crawl faster.
I can’t believe your first year is coming to a close, Paige! What a fast and wonderful 9 months!
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