Tuesday, February 9, 2010


28 Things about my 28th Birthday:

the good:
1. MOPS - nothing better than leaving your baby in capable hands while you listen to a funny speaker and chat with friends
2. Target
3. Mexican - if you can believe it, this was the first time the 3 of us went to dinner by ourselves, and it was a blast!
4. Tall Skinny 1/2 Caf Caramel Latte
5. Cards
6. Russell's 3 1/2 hours of napping
7. Facebook birthday wishes
8. 1st bday as a mom :)
9. Free Coldstone ice cream
10. Pretty pink roses from my sweet husband
11. Not cooking or cleaning all day
12. Phone calls from several of my favorite people
13. Sleeping until 7:30 (is it sad that this is late now?)
14. Wearing something other than a t-shirt
15. Someone asked me if I weighed less than pre-pg - no I don't, but thanks for thinking that!
16. Chocolate
17. New clearance baby clothes
18. Didn't get spit up on, pooped on, or peed on today! (If you don't have kids, trust me, this is a big accomplishment.)
19. Garth Brooks' "Shameless" (love that song, it just happened to play this morning)
20. http://freebies4mom.blogspot.com/search/label/birthdays
21. Blog reading
22. Blog writing :)
23. Fuzzy pink socks

the bad:
24. Broke a vase :(
25. Cold - so tired of that
26. Rainy
27. Fussy Russy (but this was my fault - who schedules vaccines for 4 pm the day before mama's birthday? dumb dumb dumb)

the ugly:
28. Waking up at 3 am and 5 am to comfort aforementioned Fussy Russy (again, my fault)

Wow, that was harder than I thought it would be! Did you really read all of that? I don't blame you if you didn't! Anyway, all in all, a pretty good birthday :)

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