Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Keepers/Rangers Derby and Awards Night

Meredith and Russell loved their Keepers of the Faith and Royal Rangers groups this school year! They are scouting groups that our church hosts twice a month. They've learned all sorts of things, from sewing, gardening, and baking (Keepers) to knot-tying, chess, and safety (Rangers).

In May, the groups had a combined Pinewood Derby. There was also an "open" category that anyone could enter, so Paige designed a car too.

Russell's 75 Pontiac Wagon, Meredith's Emoji car, Paige's Rainbow Dash - ready to race!

Jason is the co-leader for Russell's Ranger Kids group, so he was one of the race helpers.

Watching their cars!

Winners! Russell's car won second place for design, and Meredith's won first place for speed!

Two weeks later, both groups had their awards ceremony! Here's a sweet picture of Meredith's whole Caring Keepers group. (No pictures of Russell's group :( Daphne was bored and loud so we had to go to the lobby.)

Snacks after awards :)

Looking forward to starting again in the fall!

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