Sunday, April 8, 2012


We had a pretty low-key Easter, but I still managed to take a few photos, of course Smile

The kids each got just a couple toys in their Easter basket, plus candy and fruit snacks for Russell, Puffs and yogurt melts for Meredith.


Russell checking out his new doctor’s kit!  He plays pretend all the time, so I wanted to get him some sort of pretend kit and doctor seemed to be a good place to start.


I got Meredith a hide ‘n squeak egg set.  She loves throwing the eggs all over the place.  Side note: this is Meredith’s second Easter, and she’s not even one!


After church we took a couple pictures.  You can barely tell, but both kids are wearing seersucker.  I love seersucker, and I love matching children!



Paw Paw and Kacki came over later and we had our own version of Easter dinner, which was take-out from Mimi’s CafĂ© this year Smile  We usually do a big meal, but there’s something to be said for easy! 

It’s a good thing that Easter isn’t truly about a nice meal or lots of company or stuffed Easter baskets, because if it was, we would have failed this year.  As it is, though, we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, and therefore successfully celebrated Easter to the fullest!  Russell could tell us exactly what Easter was about, and that’s the most important thing.

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