Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Paw Paw and Kacki's December Visit

We had a fun and relaxing time while Paw Paw and Kacki were here for the last week! 

We fit in several of our Christmas traditions, including making a gingerbread house:

And we went to a "breakfast at the stable" at the church where we have CBS. We had pancakes and sausage, did a craft, and watched a chidren's play.

 Meredith and Kacki and I made from-scratch sugar cookies, and then Russell and Meredith decorated them - so much fun. My family did this every year when I was little.

Jason and Russell started making a motorized race car:

And all the kids enjoyed lots of snuggles (also Meredith didn't want to be pictured):

Unfortunately, it's also the season for viruses, so Paw Paw and Kacki were exposed to an eye infection (Paige), a stomach bug (Russell), and a terrible cough (Russell and Paige - Meredith already had it). Hopefully we didn't give them a going-home gift. 

We were really thankful for their help and their company!

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