Thursday, February 6, 2014

Week with Pops and Mimi

In order for the kids and I to be out of the way during the moving out/waiting to move in/movers in our new house phase, we went to Pops and Mimi’s house for a week! We left our house in the morning on Friday, January 24, and stayed until Pops drove us up to IL on Friday the 31st.

I was definitely nervous about driving all 3 kids 5 hours by myself, but it went pretty well. We had an hour of crying (between Meredith and Paige) that was not so fun, but the rest went very smoothly.

I don’t have too many pictures of our week. We didn’t do much out of the ordinary. My parents both had to work a few days, so the kids and I tried to fill those days. We did get the special opportunity to visit my Grampy in what ended up to be the week before he passed away. I am so thankful we could do that. We also went to the playground twice, to a story time at the local library, did some of our preschool work, played a lot with Bogie, etc.

Stories before bed. (Paige goes to bed about an hour before the other two.) Meredith loved this Harold and the Purple Crayon book!


Sorting – easy schoolwork.


The “family dog.” Both kids have mentioned a few times now that they miss Bogie.


Just hangin’ out while the other kids napped:


They enjoyed playing cars during their bath times in the big tub:


Of course, Georgia got snow. I was really hoping we wouldn’t see any there. Russell loved it. Meredith is not a cold weather girl. (Paige did not get out in it.)


On Pinterest, I found an activity idea: making our own white play dough, and using buttons and various things to build play dough snowmen. This was much more of a hit than I thought it would be, thankfully!


At the end of the week, we geared up – and packed up – for our big, long drive. I packed snacks, DVDs, toys, books. I also found an idea (again, Pinterest) to have games for the kids to play – like car Bingo, looking for car colors, etc – and when the kids finish a game, they get a prize. My sweet aunt Jane had bought the prizes. The kids LOVED this, especially Russell. Anyway, here’s the stash of car entertainment before we left:


Thanks, Pops and Mimi, for the hospitality, food, fun, etc, etc! We love you!

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