Sunday, June 13, 2010

Brynn's Birthday Party

What a weekend! We've had more than our fair share of friends, food, and fun.

(True to form, Jason absolutely loved all the get-togethers, while Russell definitely got tired of all the people and needed space toward the end.)

Anyway, today was Brynn's first birthday party!

Doesn't she look the part, in her pretty pink birthday shirt? (And just like a one-year-old, paying not a bit of attention to the camera?)


So many babies, so many toys...but funnily enough, they are always after the same ones:



(side note: Russell l-o-v-e-s this alligator xylophone!)


(Cole's hand and Russell's hand - you might think they're sharing nicely, but you can't see their faces ;))


I do so love seeing a man with a baby:


(especially my handsome man with our sweet baby)


The birthday girl had lots of playtime with little-baby friends and big-person friends:


And then the time came for her cake. Sweet little cupcake for a sweet little cupcake of a girl ;)


Happy birthday, Miss Brynn! We had a great time celebrating with you!

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